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发布日期:2013-05-10   来源:   点击量:


    报告主题:This Land: Six Steps to a Better World

    报 告 人:西安交通大学城市学院外教 Douglas James Joyce

    地    址:学院F100报告厅

    时    间:5月14日(星期二)19:00








This Land: Six Steps to a Better World
19:00, Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Room F100

  Douglas James Joyce, M.A., M.P.A., environmental activist, and author of The Environmentalist, will present six steps that we can all pursue to raise environmental awareness and reduce the negative impact of human life on Earth. Delegates from the XJTUCC Model United Nations team will present their position papers on environmental issues in the Arctic, and representatives from campus organizations will talk about their groups' activities to improve the environment. The audience will play an interactive game called Think Tank ( 智囊团 ), and the members of A Jia ( 阿佳)will lead the audience in singing one of America's most beloved songs about freedom and environmental stewardship.