杭州第19届亚运会(The 19th Asian Games)又称“2022年杭州亚运会”,将于2023年9月23日至10月8日举行。本届亚运会是继1990年北京亚运会、2010年广州亚运会之后,中国第三次举办亚洲最高规格的国际综合性体育赛事。
We must aim at building up people's physique, improving their physical health and raising their living standards, and fully leverage the important role of sports in advancing people's well-rounded development. We will continue to promote reform and innovation in sports and enhance development and research in sports science and technology. We will improve the public fitness programs and raise awareness of sports and fitness among our people, the young people in particular. We will promote the country's overall strength and competitiveness in international competitive sports, and step up efforts to build China into a country strong on sports.
torch for the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games
a country strong on sports
the Olympic spirit
host city