世界互联网大会数字丝路发展论坛于4月16日在中国陕西西安召开。论坛以“互联互通 共同繁荣”为主题,由世界互联网大会主办,陕西省人民政府承办。
论坛将围绕“数字互联 共建丝路”“丝路电商国际合作”“数字乡村与可持续发展”三个议题,邀请国际组织、政府部门、全球知名互联网企业负责人,展开广泛交流与讨论,传承以和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢为核心的丝路精神,推动各方共建“数字丝路”,为国际经济合作打造新平台。
With the theme "Connectivity and Shared Prosperity", the World Internet Conference (WIC) Digital Silk Road Development Forum was held on April 16 in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province.
The main forum was held after the opening ceremony. It included discussions on the following three topics: "Digital Connectivity and Cooperation in Building the Silk Road", "Silk Road E-commerce International Cooperation", and "Digital Villages and Sustainable Development".
The forum aims to carry forward the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit, to promote the co-building of the Digital Silk Road, and create a new platform for digital economic cooperation.
互联互通 共同繁荣 Connectivity and Shared Prosperity
数字乡村 Digital Villages
可持续发展 Sustainable Development
和平合作 Peace and cooperation
开放包容 Openness and inclusiveness