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发布日期:2022-10-21   来源:   点击量:


When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future.

The world is not the most pleasant place. Eventually, your parents leave you and nobody is going to go out of their way to protect you unconditionally. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe and sometimes, pardon my language, kick some ass.

Grief is the price we pay for love.

I have to be seen to be believed.

I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.

Like all best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements.