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发布日期:2022-04-27   来源:西安交通大学城市学院外语系   点击量:




In China, hotpot has had a history of more than 2,000 years, which was first prevalent in the coldest areas. Then, it became popular in many other parts, and other kinds of hotpot with local characteristics appeared. When eating hotpot, family members and friends sit around the table, with a boiling hotpot standing in the center of it. When eating hotpot, people can put meat, seafood, vegetables and other ingredients into hotpot for cooking according to their own taste. People can chat with each other happily while enjoying the delicious hotpot.


1. 在中国火锅已有2000多年的历史,最早流行最寒冷的地区,然后在很多地区盛行出现了具有地方特色的种类。



火锅 hotpot

盛行 prevalent/popular 均可表达

具有地方特色 with local characteristics


In China, hotpot has had a history of more than 2,000 years, which was first popular in the coldest areas.


Then, it became popular in many other parts, and other kinds of hotpot with local characteristics appeared.

2. 火锅时,家人和朋友为在桌边,桌子中间放着热腾腾的火锅。



热腾腾的 boiling

When eating hotpot, family members and friends sit around the table, with a boiling hotpot standing in the center of it.

3. 火锅时,人们可以根据自己的口味肉,海鲜,蔬菜和其他配料,自己烹饪

【解析】第三句与第二句句式相似,前面两个动词依然可以采用when ...时)来连接,最后一个动词(烹饪)表示“放”的目的,可以用to do 也可以用for doing


海鲜 seafood

配料 ingredient

烹饪 cook

When eating hotpot, people can put meat, seafood, vegetables and other ingredients into hotpot for cooking according to their own taste.

4. 人们可以一边尽情地聊天,一边享受美餐。

【解析】第四句动词有两个:聊天;享受。对于 “一边...一边...”的句型,在英语上可以用while来连接。


尽情地 happily

美餐 delicious food/tasty food

People can chat with each other happily while enjoying the delicious hotpot.